Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CIOS108 Project 5c letter study

My first letter in the upper left i thought of A as the first letter that children learn how to write and in English we start in the upper left corner, so i picked a form that made the A look slop to show the raw new knowledge.

The second A follows the theme of the first row which i decided on making how writing A's are made, now the writer has gotten past the new knowledge of writing and can print the A.

The final A of the top row is the apex of writing, learning how to write in cursive and makes the A look as it was made in one fluid motion.

The second row was things i thought of when i thought of the letter A. The first was an Ace in cards and i found a perfect letter form for this.

The middle A was made to be angelic, and airy. This was the easiest to find.

The last of the second row i thought of abstract, so i found the most abstract way to display an A but the picture shows a lot of words that can describe an A, its an arrow, that's angled.

The lowest left A i thought of absolute, and the form i had chosen was to make it seem bold and abundant.

The lower middle letter form i picked a narrow letter form because an A doesn't have any black area where this a was placed, so i tried to make it as invisible as possible.

The lower right is my tribute to my coding buddies. It is how an A is represented in binary form.

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