Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hierarchal Progression project 7

This project i believe i made more difficult than it had to be. I was very confused at what the book wanted so i looked around to see what others where doing to get an idea. I cam eup with the phrase and did graphics to define each section of the phrase. The phrase "Humans are let skyscrapers, even with stone feet, they reach for the starts, yet the world, can change their direction" cam to me when i thought of how we all want to reach our goals, and even if we plant ourselves firmly in one place the earth still rotates and moves our direction.
My theme was "ever changing" even though it kind goes against what the book said i wanted to challange the book by making a theme that has no theme.
Half of my graphics were hand drawn because i couldn't find anything to work with to get the result i wanted.
My first graphic i used gradient tools to make lines shoot off to show men and woman are diffrent yet the lines cross to show we can come together. I hand drew the signs becuase i didn't like the photos i had taken or the ones i found.
My second graphic i used the outline of some feet and used texture to make the prints look cracked like the feet had been there a while and ripped up to show how still and how long they had been there. The stripes give the graphic the lines that were needed and filled the blank area.
My third graphic I hand drew a girl cause the first thing i thought of was a girl being amazed and having the stary gaze. The stars were then placed into a line to point up and out to the sky.
My forth graphic i use strictly photoshop and tried my hand at speratic drawing, not the greatest but i did get my point across.
My fifth graphic although not the best looking had my favorite effect. People and see mulitple sets of lines, wheither its seeing four black and four white arrows pointing in or line where the white and black clash.

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