Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CIOS 108 final summary draft

I have decided to send my six sketches that I have been tossing around in my head. I would like to let Ms. Marion to know that not all logos have to help push across what it is that the company does, I would advise her to look at NBC and Mac’s logos the peacock and the apple, neither have anything to do with what the company is about and that the point of the company is more important in marketing through commercials and print. Stating that I would like to reinsure Ms. Marion that this would be a great place to bring out the natural feel she wants to her logo. I have included a range of ideas from simple initials to large more detailed sketches. I would also like the state that I would like to use natural colors such as browns, greens, and yellows.

Option A – A simple design the word law can be drop to make it very basic.

Option B – pushes the fact that it is a publishing company

Option C – A more creative way of just using the initials.

Option D – stresses the name as crown king and that it is a publishing company. Three books that spell law well with what kind of books she is publishing.

Option E – the most natural, a crown made out of a bushy texture, the initials would be embedded into a trunk textured area and that the roots of the company are around the law.

Option F – stresses the crown king point the farthest.

I would personally bump option D and E.

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