Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CIOS 108 Final

This is my final draft submission. When I started I thought of benches, scales, gavels, and all the other stuff court room things. I decided to go on a different path. I started by making the planet when I thought of power and authority I wanted to show that with this book the readers could hold the power of the world. I created it by making a circle with the marquee tool while holding shift to keep it even. I then used the difference of clouds render with black and white to get the cloudy effect, then I added a gradient of blue to white on color burn blending mode, I added an outer glow and lowered the opacity. I simply copied my image and made it smaller to place on the spine. I used a gradient on the covers of the book, I pick browns because it gave a law book feel. I then took a picture of a hand and duplicated it, got the best selection I could and blended them with luminosity. I pasted the left most picture and created a textured stroke. I then cropped out the face and used the eyes to get a more powerful feel. I used the number one on the spine so that she can create more books and use the same style to tie them together. I placed the text with a serif font to make the cover feel more elegant which is one of the things that is needed for a book on manners no matter where it means for you to use it. The last thing I did was pick up some texture gray scaled it and blended it to make the spine feel more real. Overall I used natural colors and elements so that Marion would feel a sense of nature and authority from the cover of her book.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CIOS 108 final summary draft

I have decided to send my six sketches that I have been tossing around in my head. I would like to let Ms. Marion to know that not all logos have to help push across what it is that the company does, I would advise her to look at NBC and Mac’s logos the peacock and the apple, neither have anything to do with what the company is about and that the point of the company is more important in marketing through commercials and print. Stating that I would like to reinsure Ms. Marion that this would be a great place to bring out the natural feel she wants to her logo. I have included a range of ideas from simple initials to large more detailed sketches. I would also like the state that I would like to use natural colors such as browns, greens, and yellows.

Option A – A simple design the word law can be drop to make it very basic.

Option B – pushes the fact that it is a publishing company

Option C – A more creative way of just using the initials.

Option D – stresses the name as crown king and that it is a publishing company. Three books that spell law well with what kind of books she is publishing.

Option E – the most natural, a crown made out of a bushy texture, the initials would be embedded into a trunk textured area and that the roots of the company are around the law.

Option F – stresses the crown king point the farthest.

I would personally bump option D and E.

Hierarchal Progression project 7

This project i believe i made more difficult than it had to be. I was very confused at what the book wanted so i looked around to see what others where doing to get an idea. I cam eup with the phrase and did graphics to define each section of the phrase. The phrase "Humans are let skyscrapers, even with stone feet, they reach for the starts, yet the world, can change their direction" cam to me when i thought of how we all want to reach our goals, and even if we plant ourselves firmly in one place the earth still rotates and moves our direction.
My theme was "ever changing" even though it kind goes against what the book said i wanted to challange the book by making a theme that has no theme.
Half of my graphics were hand drawn because i couldn't find anything to work with to get the result i wanted.
My first graphic i used gradient tools to make lines shoot off to show men and woman are diffrent yet the lines cross to show we can come together. I hand drew the signs becuase i didn't like the photos i had taken or the ones i found.
My second graphic i used the outline of some feet and used texture to make the prints look cracked like the feet had been there a while and ripped up to show how still and how long they had been there. The stripes give the graphic the lines that were needed and filled the blank area.
My third graphic I hand drew a girl cause the first thing i thought of was a girl being amazed and having the stary gaze. The stars were then placed into a line to point up and out to the sky.
My forth graphic i use strictly photoshop and tried my hand at speratic drawing, not the greatest but i did get my point across.
My fifth graphic although not the best looking had my favorite effect. People and see mulitple sets of lines, wheither its seeing four black and four white arrows pointing in or line where the white and black clash.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CIOS108 Project 5c letter study

My first letter in the upper left i thought of A as the first letter that children learn how to write and in English we start in the upper left corner, so i picked a form that made the A look slop to show the raw new knowledge.

The second A follows the theme of the first row which i decided on making how writing A's are made, now the writer has gotten past the new knowledge of writing and can print the A.

The final A of the top row is the apex of writing, learning how to write in cursive and makes the A look as it was made in one fluid motion.

The second row was things i thought of when i thought of the letter A. The first was an Ace in cards and i found a perfect letter form for this.

The middle A was made to be angelic, and airy. This was the easiest to find.

The last of the second row i thought of abstract, so i found the most abstract way to display an A but the picture shows a lot of words that can describe an A, its an arrow, that's angled.

The lowest left A i thought of absolute, and the form i had chosen was to make it seem bold and abundant.

The lower middle letter form i picked a narrow letter form because an A doesn't have any black area where this a was placed, so i tried to make it as invisible as possible.

The lower right is my tribute to my coding buddies. It is how an A is represented in binary form.

CIOS108 Project 5a Contrast studies

Organized Contrast For this one i followed the rules and did it black and white. The best way i found to contrast was to get the view to believe in a logical order and then ripp it to pieces by adding a hexagon.
Random Contrast
The insperation for this one came form a game actually. The game is called squares where you are a circle trying to dodge squares that are flying in every way. I added the yellow glow to show how this one diffrent shape shines from all the rest.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

CIOS 108 Project 4b: Season

This project was really fun, First i went looking for some pictures that i felt captured the feeling of winter and placed them all in my file. Once i had my pictures i then decided my color triad which made the project a loe easier then picking a triad and finding pictures that fit it.

I have to stop a moment and talk about this snowman picture, I just had to have it, it was flat out amazing and turned out to be an amzing background my favorite of all the photos.

I used five photos becuase my first graphic design teacher taught me odd is always good and it has stuck with me sense then.

It worked out so well becuase i didn't want all my photos to be straight up and down way to boring for me so i tilted them on a side, most of the snowmen are looking to the lower right which creates a flow down to the right lower corner, so if the lower right is the bottom i thought then the upper left is the top, which is where i placed the seasons name. For the text i used white text rotated it 90 degrees used the wind effect from right to left a few times to get the lines, then i rotated it into posistion. Then i had to pick an accent color which i chose red which went against all my other colors, i placed it behind the title to pull it out of the backgroun more, i used a Gradient tool that made a row with both sides fading into transparent. I didn't like my photos just sitting there like duh duh duh, so i pulled them up by placing a stroke around the pictures.

I was going to use my custom brush i used on my crush project with white as the color but it really messed up my project so i took it out. On a hidden note if you start from the red strip and go between the pictures and end going up it makes a large W for winter, did you notice it before you read this? ;P